Saya memang percaya wang ditemui itu milik Umno, dakwa Bung Moktar

Anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Datuk Bung Moktar Radin mengaku bahawa beliau adalah antara penyokong setia parti itu yang mempercayai setiap kata yang diucapkan oleh bekas perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Oleh itu, beliau yakin bahawa wang tunai yang dirampas oleh polis dari Pavilion Residences di Kuala Lumpur pada 18 Mei, memang milik Umno seperti yang didakwa oleh bekas presiden parti itu.
"Menurut Najib, itu adalah wang parti. Kerana beliau mendakwa begitu, maka tidak ada yang salah (untuk parti itu memiliki jumlah wang tunai sebanyak itu) kerana semua orang boleh menyumbang kepada parti," kata Bung kepada Malaysiakini.
Mengenai kenapa wang itu disimpan di apartmen mewah bukan di bank, beliau berkata: "Mungkin (Najib) tidak mempunyai masa untuk mengaturnya (untuk masukkan wang itu ke bank) kerana dia berjalan setiap hari (semasa tempoh kempen pilihan raya) Tetapi saya tak tahu, hanya Najib yang tahu.
Dalam satu wawancara, Bung Moktar berkata beliau menyandarkan kesetiaannya kepada Najib kepada legasi yang ditinggalkan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang menerajui Umno selama lebih dua dekad.
"Saya percaya para pemimpin saya kerana kita dilatih untuk setia kepada para pemimpin kita. Pada masanya, Dr Mahathir melatih kita untuk mempercayai pemimpin, Walaupun jika Dr Mahathir tidak lagi bersama kita, kita masih percaya kepada pemimpin kita," kata Bung Moktar, yang mengekalkan kerusi Parlimennya di Kinabalu dalam pada pilihan raya umum 9 Mei.
Najib, yang meletak jawatan sebagai presiden Umno dan pengerusi BN pada 12 Mei, dan kini sedang disiasat polis di bawah Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram, Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan dan Hasil daripada Aktiviti Haram 2001 berkaitan dengan 1MDB.
Tiga minggu yang lalu, polis merampas 35 beg wang tunai dalam 26 mata wang berjumlah RM114 juta, 37 beg barang kemas dan jam tangan serta 284 kotak beg tangan berjenama dari tiga unit di Pavilion Residences.
Najib dilaporkan membuat laporan polis yang mendakwa wang tunai yang dirampas itu adalah derma untuk kempen Umno.
Pentadbir parti mengatakan bahawa ia adalah tradisi bagi presiden parti untuk mengutip dan menguruskan dana kempen.
Sumber : malaysiakini
Evaluating auto protection rates: What you have to know
For rough approximations on your auto protection rates, or to discover how, why or how much your auto protection will go up or down after a ticket or a difference in address, we have a few supportive articles and auto protection adding machines.'s normal auto protection rates apparatus gives normal accident protection rates to almost every ZIP code in the U.S. It enables drivers to investigate relative rates inside their own particular city or the country over.
The "How much auto protection do I require?" instrument can propose what level of scope is best for you, in light of your age, the state you live in, your auto's model year, regardless of whether you possess or fund your auto, and whether you claim or lease your home.
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Be that as it may, you may basically be looking forward to another auto, a marriage or a move crosswise over town and ponder about the outcomes. We exhort that you check auto protection rate cites before rolling out life improvements, so you'll know about how your premium may change and can spending plan for it fittingly, or change to a supplier that offers a superior value given your new circumstance.
The following are answers to probably the most widely recognized inquiries concerning the variables influencing your auto protection rate.
For rough approximations on your auto protection rates, or to discover how, why or how much your auto protection will go up or down after a ticket or a difference in address, we have a few supportive articles and auto protection adding machines.'s normal auto protection rates apparatus gives normal accident protection rates to almost every ZIP code in the U.S. It enables drivers to investigate relative rates inside their own particular city or the country over.
The "How much auto protection do I require?" instrument can propose what level of scope is best for you, in light of your age, the state you live in, your auto's model year, regardless of whether you possess or fund your auto, and whether you claim or lease your home.
By their inclination, midpoints and assessments don't have any significant bearing particularly to you. For that, you can utilize our online statement correlation instrument and get coordinated with various auto protection suppliers, who will give you a statement, or you can call one of our authorized protection specialists at 855-430-7753.
Be that as it may, you may basically be looking forward to another auto, a marriage or a move crosswise over town and ponder about the outcomes. We exhort that you check auto protection rate cites before rolling out life improvements, so you'll know about how your premium may change and can spending plan for it fittingly, or change to a supplier that offers a superior value given your new circumstance.
The following are answers to probably the most widely recognized inquiries concerning the variables influencing your auto protection rate.